Airport Master Plan
About the Project
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5070-6 defines an airport master plan as a ‘comprehensive study of an airport and usually describes the short-, medium-, and long-term development plans to meet future aviation demand. The Manassas Regional Airport last completed a Master Plan and accompanying Airport Layout Plan (ALP) drawing set in 2002. Both documents are in need of new study to assess the infrastructure needs of the Airport for the next twenty years.
Products of the master planning process typically include: a technical report, a summary report, the ALP drawing set, a web page, and a public information kit. In most cases, a master plan will include the following elements: pre-planning, public involvement, environmental considerations, existing conditions, aviation forecasts, facility requirements, alternatives development and evaluation, airport layout plans, facilities implementation plan and a financial feasibility analysis.
The master plan for Manassas Regional Airport is currently in the scoping phase with FAA and the Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV) and is expected to conclude with grant applications to FAA and DOAV in Spring 2021.
Project Schedule
The Manassas Regional Airport Master Plan is estimated to begin in Summer 2021 and will take approximately 18-20 months to complete. As the start date nears, more information will be added regarding schedule and dates for public meetings/workshops.