Taxiway A Rehabilitation

About the Project

Taxiway A is the full length parallel taxiway to the west of Runway 16R-34L. Taxiway A was last rehabilitated in 1999 is in need of major pavement and electrical infrastructure rehabilitation. The pavement rehabilitation will be a mill and overlay of the existing asphalt surface. Electrical improvements include removal of existing incandescent taxiway edge lighting and airfield guidance signage, and replacement with new LED edge lighting and signage. New guidance signage will lead pilots from Taxiway A to the West Apron.

The Taxiway A rehabilitation construction will address the mainline portion of the parallel taxiway and portions of the connector taxiways not addressed as part of the 2020 Runway 16R-34L rehabilitation. Phase 1 included work along Taxiway V. Phase 2 of the project closes the north half of Taxiway A. Phase 3 closes the south half of Taxiway A. Phase 4 includes final pavement markings and clean up of remaining punch list items.

Once complete, the majority of the infrastructure on the west side of the airfield will be fully rehabilitated, beginning with the West Apron in 2018, Runway 16R-34L in 2020, and parallel Taxiway A in 2023.

Project Limits
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Construction Closure #4
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Construction Closure #3
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Construction Closure #2
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Construction Closure #1
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Project Schedule

The following is the current schedule for construction:

Description Date
Construction NTP August 7, 2023
Phase 1 complete August 11, 2023
Phase 2 complete September 11, 2023
Phase 3 start September 11, 2023
Phase 3 complete October 5, 2023
Phase 4 start October 30, 2023
Phase 4 complete November 1, 2023
Project completion November 2023